• Hello ! I'm Stéphanie Santos and I'm 18, 19 in 5 days. I decided to spend 1 whole year in England, more specificaly in London, and, for my birthday last year, daddy paid me my plane ticket and enrolled me in a rather prestigious school here. I was soooooooo happy ! And this year, for my birthday, I come back home to surprise him and mom. They don't know I will be back in 5 days, they think I stay a few weeks more. That's why this year, for my birthday, I will come back for them and invite them to a chic restaurant to thank them because all this is thank to them, it's thank to them if I just spent a wonderful year which learnt me so much things and I'm very grateful. I want them to be as happy as me during this year now. And when they will see that I'm back, they will be soooooo happy ! ( Like me when I knew I will study in England =). ) So, actually I'm here to improve my English ( even if it's already pretty good in reality =) no, seriously it's like I was born in England ), to shake things up a little and learn everything about English customs and traditions. I realised that there was many stereotypes here that weren't true. Even if in fact some are true, like we say that British people drink a lot of tea, which, most of the time, is actually right or we think that British people have never seen sunshine and this one, it's maybe a little exaggerated but I can assure you it is totally true because in England it's always bad weather, always cold and always rainy, it's literally permanent winter. Talking about it I remember the day I arrived ( such a long time ago already but I remember it like it was yesterday ) when I landed it was 6 am and it was already raining cats and dogs ( What a welcome isn't it ? ). I didn't knew about the permanent winter when I decided to go and when I did my bagages and choosen what to wear so this day I was wearing my blue suede jacket that I love so much ( and especially which cost me so much ). But this kind of jacket is not made to be wet because of the fabric you know, but like I didn't consider the weather would be like that I wore it to go. So, when I got out of the airport, I didn't had a hood or an umbrella, obviously, so the time to find my studio ( that dad rented too, yeah he's awesome I know ) I was soaked from head to toes and, obviously, my jacket was ruined... Great ! And I was ruined too ... Oh... I loved this jacket so much... =( . Somehow now I have something to tell when I will be back, I guess. Yes, such a traumatic memory, I know... but now I will always remember this day, a sad day for my jacket... Rest in peace, beloved blue suede jacket. Maybe I should give it a name ? It would give more impact to my story... Sorry, it doesn't matter, anyway. Soooo, talking about the stereotypes again, some think that, because of the bad weather, British people can't handle sunshine. But, as you can probably imagine, it's not just because Britain is a country of permanent winter that it means British people can't bear sunshine, it's just that there is almost never sunshine. So, obviously, this is a stereotype which is not true at all. And like many think also, mostly foreigners, British people have, most of them, obviously never meet the queen. During my travel, I lived mostly in London, my school was in London, but I visited some others cities but I can say London stays definitely the best one. Why ? Because it's a wonderful city, a city of opportunities. You know London as the city of the Big Ben and the Tower Bridge, the city where big red buses and red cars are crossing the roads, with the underground, the big wheel, the Buckingham Palace and the queen Elisabeth and all this. It's true, the reality is pretty close than what you can imagine but it stays stereotypes because London is so much more than that. First it's a beautiful city, I adored it but more specificaly London is, above all, the city of opportunities, like you know it, very big opportunities like mine. Like the chance I have had to go in England for one year and I will never forget all of this, all I've lived here, all I've learned and all this adventure brought me. It's the city where wonderful adventures can happens, awesome experiences that only happen in London. And finally it's the city of dreams. Yeah, it's the city of dreams, the city where my dream came true and yours will too, just never give up on your dreams, it's what you have to remember always : Dreams do come true. I know there are so many others stereotypes than just those I've listed but Britain it's not just fish'n'chips, red buses and red cars, the permanent winter and drink tea, it's not just the royal family or the Bulldogs and the sport. British people are very proud of their country and, as you can imagine, it's not just thank to fish'n'chips, the Bulldogs and all this, they're proud because it's a multicultural and welcoming country, and also because Britain is accepting everyone, including foreigners, it's being cosmopolitain and stiff upper lip. And I'm not going to tell you more, if you wanna know all the secrets of this country, you should come to Britain and you could know some British people who would probably teach you how the life is here, and you will see yourself it's different of the stereotypes, it's so different than what you can imagine, it's so much better than what you can imagine too. And now that I have had my chance to know this beautiful city and lived that wonderful experience with all it brought me, it's your time to have this chance, you seriously need to come to London and, if you need some motivation, I'm here for that. So all I can say to help you to make the good decision it's if you want to learn English customs and traditions, improve your English and know how great life can be here, by the best way, you should really come to England. And don't forget what it will bring you professionally, maybe you are aware that qualifications from England are recognised throughout the world. I'm just saying if you want to have a high salary or just boost your future career, study in England is the best way to sucess, so you should really come to England if you want to get the career and the job you deserve. Or else, you could come to England to shake things up for a while because life can be really annoying if you never take any risks, you are able to change a little your life, you just need to take a little risk, a risk which is not really a risk because it would bring you many things personally, professionally and for your own culture, it's really a risk to take. Or if you just wanna make some new meetings and have new friends with a different way to live, you could simply travel here or study a few weeks or one year but you need to come, truly. If this opportunity comes to you one day, you can't let it go, you just can't. Especially it will give you a real advantage professional, you could have a international qualification for your career, you just need to study here, seriously, you could have this advantage, so just think about it. Finally, London is the city where dreams come true, whatever your dream, whatever it takes, it do come true, and if it don't, make it come true. So never lose your hope, because life is full of surprises and opportunities like this, be prepared for any insane adventure life throws your way, whatever your dream, make it come true : come to London !

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